Artists: A-J | K-R | S-Z

Greg Szilagyi

Artist Statement

I have been working on creating dynamic, bright and eye-catching abstract art pieces since 2006. All my pieces are done with stencils, rulers, ink pens, and various alcohol-based markers on paper, canvas, and illustration board. I am very inspired by modern architecture, and I would say that is my main point of reference for all my art pieces.

Art is very important to me because it gives me a sense of freedom of expression that really represents me as a person. I also find it to be very therapeutic. I try to express things that are personal to me and relatable to other people. It is the most satisfying feeling when someone connects with my art. A lot of people see a lot of different things in my pieces. That is truly amazing to me, because I know that something has touched them within my art.

Each of my pieces start with one maybe two ideas from doing some research into modern architects, interior designers, and furniture makers. From one starting point, a series of ideas form in a very freestyle way from there, including putting the color combinations together, and the application of the colors. It is truly an organic process from beginning to end and I take great pride in that aspect of my process.

Artists: A-J | K-R | S-Z


M. Louise Stanley


Cuong Ta